
Battery Cell Production

How Vision Technology Ensures Efficient Quality Control

Reducing material losses by ensuring high quality in all process steps is a key issue in battery cell production. By reliably detecting even the smallest defects, even at high throughput rates, machine vision enables a significant reduction of waste and therefore an increase in the quality and cost efficiency of production.

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About the webinar

Following the strong growth of the battery market in Asia, more and more gigafactories are also being announced in America and Europe. As a result, regional equipment suppliers and system integrators have expanded their expertise in battery production. However, due to strong competition, battery manufacturers continue to face the challenge of achieving high throughput rates and increasing yields.

In this webinar, we will discuss the important role of vision systems in ensuring the highest quality in battery cell production.

The webinar will end with an in-depth Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.

The webinar language is English.

Three good reasons to take part in the webinar

Find out in our webinar:

  • How machine vision is used for quality control in the production of battery cells

  • More about typical machine vision applications in battery cell production

  • How you can increase the efficiency of your production by using machine vision

How can we support you?

We will be happy to advise you on product selection and find the right solution for your application.