Basler Reports Strong Annual Result for 2021
- Date
- 5 Apr 2022
Despite some adversities, Basler looks back on a very successful fiscal year 2021: Sales grew by 26 %, orders by 78 % to new record values.
In a strong market environment, which was significantly impacted by bottlenecks for semiconductor components, the Basler group’s sales grew by 26 % to Euro 214.7 million in financial year 2021 (previous year: Euro 170.5 million). Incoming orders increased by 78 % to Euro 322.5 million (previous year: Euro 181.6 million). Thus, we set new records for incoming orders and sales. The earnings before taxes increased by 37 % to Euro 28.0 million (previous year: Euro 20.4 million). The pre-tax margin amounted to 13.0 % (previous year: 12.0 %). With these results, despite a cyberattack in November, Basler achieved the forecast and grew stronger than the German market for machine vision components: The German Engineering Federation (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, VDMA) reports a 17 % increase in sales and a 28 % increase in incoming orders for the industry for 2021.

Outlook for the Year 2022
Challenges in the procurement of semiconductor components are expected to remain the limiting factor for growth in fiscal year 2022. Furthermore, the war in Ukraine and the associated political unrest will lead to new uncertainties, the effects of which are currently still difficult to predict.
However, the recent sales signals in all sales regions, in principle, make our management optimistic for the new fiscal year. Based on current information, the Basler group plans to achieve sales within a corridor of Euro 235-265 million in fiscal year 2022. Depending on sales, this would result in a pre-tax return between 9-12 %. The basis of this assessment is an ongoing strong investment cycle associated with slight improvements in the supply chains. The relatively broad corridor reflects the current momentum in the sales and procurement markets as well as the integration of the recently acquired distribution partners in Korea. This forecast is consistent with the medium-term target to achieve sales of Euro 400 until the end of 2025, at an average EBT margin of 12 %.
The full annual report can be found on the financial report website.