Perfect Color – Color Settings Made Easy and Flexible

For the right color impression, Medical & Life Sciences applications require individual and precise color settings. This is because the images form the basis for medical decisions in microscopy and ophthalmology, for example. Color configuration is often complex and time-consuming. The Basler MED Feature Set Perfect Color relieves you of work whenever possible with presets and practical tools, but at the same time gives you room for individual adjustments.

About Basler MED ace with Perfect Color

Advantages You Get from Perfect Color

  • Basler Color Calibrator for maximum color fidelity with just a few mouse clicks

  • Comfortable adjustment of hue, saturation, brightness and contrast to control the entire color space

  • Patented 6 Axis Operator for independent adjustment of individual colors in the color space

  • Selectable color presets for different light sources

Basler Color Calibrator: Color Calibration Made Easy

Color reproduction is extremely important for Medical & Life Sciences images. Cameras need the right setting for the best color fidelity, i.e. minimal color error resulting from the real image and the digital projection. However, the search for the "perfect" color settings is complicated. The Basler Color Calibration Tool in the pylon software offers a simple and quick solution for this otherwise complex task.

Individual Settings of the Entire Color Space for 100% Flexibility

Different applications need different color settings. The MED Feature Set Perfect Color offers the possibility to make settings to control the entire color space. Hue, saturation, brightness and contrast can be adjusted manually according to individual requirements.

Image before individual adjustment of hue, saturation, brightness and contrast
Adjustment of hue, saturation, brightness and contrast
Image with gradual improvement by adjusting hue, saturation, brightness and contrast
Image before individual adjustment of hue, saturation, brightness and contrast

Basler 6 Axis Operator: Set Each Color Individually

Sometimes the adjustment of only one color is necessary for the perfect color impression of an image. That poses no problem thanks to Basler's patented 6 Axis Operator. The tool allows you to set individual colors. Since it runs on the camera's FPGA, it saves important resources on the host system of our customers.

Image without color adjustment in the 6 Axis Operator
Image without color adjustment in the 6 Axis Operator
Image with magenta color adjustment in the 6 Axis Operator
Image with magenta color adjustment in the 6 Axis Operator

Color Presets for Different Lighting Systems Save Time and Effort

Are you working with a standard light source in your application? The MED Feature Set Perfect Color offers color presets optimized for the most common light sources. In addition to tried-and-tested settings from industrial image processing, common light sources such as Olympus Microscope LED (4500 K and 6000 K) or Leica Microscope LED (5500 K) are integrated for microscopy applications. Save time and effort by choosing the color presets for your lighting.

How can we support you?

We will be happy to advise you on product selection and find the right solution for your application.