We Give Technology the Power of Sight

Computer vision for efficient automation solutions

The needs and wishes of our customers are our inspiration and motivation in our daily work on high-quality cameras and camera accessories. With this clear view, we develop components for machine vision applications that make life easier.

About us

Basler is a leading international manufacturer of high-quality cameras, camera accessories, software and solutions for applications in factory automation, medicine, transportation, battery inspection, electronics and a variety of other markets.

  • Turnover 2023: 203 million €

  • approx. 850 employees

  • 12 locations worldwide

  • approx. 5,000 Vision hardware & software products



Our Supervisory Board is made up of experienced representatives from business and science and is responsible for the strategic management of the company. It is currently chaired by Norbert Basler, the founder of the company.

The Management Board, headed by Dr. Dietmar Ley (CEO), is responsible for the operational management of the company and implements the guidelines of the Supervisory Board.

The history of Basler

Decisive factors in our 35-year success story are the courage to take risks, the willingness to see constant change as normal and the passion to drive forward customer-oriented innovations. From successful system manufacturer for image processing to global market leader for digital industrial cameras: Norbert Basler gives an overview of the company's history.

Company history


You can find all our branches in this overview.

More information about us

How we work

Quality and innovation form the basis of our work at Basler: high quality standards guarantee reliability, efficiency and durability. Our open culture of innovation promotes creativity and progress.

Quality at Basler


Our customers' trust is closely linked to our high quality standards: every product we manufacture is extensively tested. We also thoroughly inspect purchased vision accessories and check their compatibility. After all, the perfect interaction of all components is the basis for the optimum performance of vision systems.

More about quality at Basler

Innovation at Basler


Since the company was founded, openness to different perspectives and new solutions has been an inseparable part of Basler's DNA. This also ensures the continuous further development of our portfolio: Our customers can rely on the future-proof nature of our solutions. Our aim is to create a space for market-related and future-oriented answers to your questions and problems.

More about innovation at Basler

More information about quality at Basler

Our values

The needs and wishes of our customers are our inspiration and motivation in our daily work on high-quality cameras and camera accessories. Quality. Innovation and reliability characterize our actions.

Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

In addition to our focus on shared value creation, Basler also takes responsibility in many other areas. We are a business partner with integrity in all matters and make efforts for a sustainable and livable future.

Learn more

Climate change and the circular economy are two of the focus topics of Basler's sustainability management.


For us, sustainability is essentially reflected in the dimensions of environment, social affairs and corporate governance. We publish an annual sustainability report in accordance with Section 289 of the German Commercial Code. We gain additional orientation through the assessment of relevant rating agencies such as EcoVadis and MSCI.

More about sustainability

What is important to us

We operate worldwide responsibly and are a reliable partner. Long-term, stable customer and business relationships are essential for us. We analyze precisely and only offer what the customer really needs. We ensure that all components of a vision system work together smoothly and easily.

Our values at a glance

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How can we support you?

We will be happy to advise you on product selection and find the right solution for your application.