Promoting Young Talents
Getting children and adolescents excited for technology
Tomorrow's experts are easy to find today: in our schools. So that's where we go to get children interested in technology.

In 2013, we in our role as a member of "Wissensfabrik" committed to an educational partnership with the elementary school “Grundschule am Schloss” in Ahrensburg. Our role is to provide in-school support for the educational project "KiTec – Kinder entdecken Technik". Playfully children learn to work with tools and to understand physical relations.
We are also committed in secondary schools. In addition to cooperating with the Selma Lagerlöf Community School in Ahrensburg and the Anne Frank School Bargteheide we offer students the opportunity to gain insights into technical careers. This includes for example the Girl's and Boy's Day, school internships or job application trainings.
A special challenge we have set up for high schoolers is the “Hackathon”: teams are tasked with creating a specific software solution within a predetermined time.

Award-winning training program!
In 2013 we were awarded the Chamber of Industry and Commerce training award for excellence!