
EKIBridge: Ethernet Interface for Stereo visard or Cube

  • The EKIBridge is optional and requires a separate license to be purchased.
  • The KUKA.EthernetKRL add-on software package version 2.2 or newer must be activated on the robot controller to use this component.
  • The EKIBridge is an Ethernet interface for the Stereo visard or Cube, which enables the communication from KUKA KRL via KUKA.EthernetKRL XML. It can be used to do service calls, e.g. to start and stop individual computational nodes, or to use offered services such as the hand-eye calibration or the computation of grasp poses. Furthermore, to set and get run-time parameters of computation nodes, e.g. of the camera, or disparity calculation.

Net list price
  • On request

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