Basler pylon vTool Geometric Pattern Matching

Edge-Based Algorithm for Simple and Robust Recognition of Shapes, Logos and Objects

Geometric Pattern Matching licenses provide pylon vTools for easy training of shape models and high-performance, adjustable recognition of trained shapes on live images. Create shape models by marking areas on live images or on images from files. An edge detection algorithm automatically detects the adjustable contours for shape recognition and enables a fast and easy training process. Images can be aligned with object positions from matching for further processing steps.

pylon vTools are part of Basler's pylon Software Suite.

Download pylon to use pylon vTools

Please note: Licenses for pylon vTools can be protected by hardware dongles. If you want to run multiple systems with pylon vTools at the same time, you will need one dongle for each system. Learn more

Net list price
from $348.00
  • On request




Geometric Pattern Matching

Search pattern from stored image

Search pattern from live image

Adjustable Timeout

Adjustable contrast for teaching

Adjustable matching score level

Position accuracy

pixel precision

sub-pixel precision

Adjustable number of matches per image

Adjustable reference point

Polarity settings

Adjustable search angle

always 360°

Anistropic scaling levels

Adjustable scaling level

Image Alignment

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