Simple Frame Grabber Activation with microDiagnostics
microDiagnostics simplifies flashing the frame grabber with hardware applets and testing during the activation.
Simple Frame Grabber Activation with microDiagnostics
The tool microDiagnostics makes it possible for you to flash a frame grabber with applets and perform various tests for a successful activation. The tool provides a fast overview of the executable hardware applets and thus about the acquisition and pre-processing functions. A test function checks the electronic components and determines the performance capacity of each hardware applet. Depending on the image size, the maximum DMA transfer rate is measured, which is an important indication of the system’s overall performance.
microDiagnostics is provided and installed with runtime.
Benefit from the Following Advantages:
Support with the speedy activation of the frame grabber
Test functions simplify an overview of the full system’s functionality
Simple camera change by selecting and flashing another applet
Performance Characteristics of microDiagnostics
Flash frame grabber with up to seven new applets
Flash frame grabber with a new applet
Execute different diagnostic routines directly on the frame grabber, such as the testing of applets, frame grabber, the DMA bandwidth and the host PC
Activate Power over Camera Link (PoCL) support for PoCL cameras

Supported Frame Grabbers
microDiagnostics supports you in the activation of microEnable 5 and imaWorx frame grabbers.