Lancement de la nouvelle série de caméras linéaires racer S. Ces caméras hautes performances sont idéales pour les inspections exigeantes, telles que le contrôle de la qualité dans la production de batteries.
Avec pylon AI, Basler étend la suite logicielle pylon avec des fonctions d’analyse d’images basées sur des algorithmes de deep learning. Ces systèmes d’IA avancés fournissent des résultats plus robustes, même dans des conditions de lecture rapides ou changeantes. Les tâches de vision complexes telles que la détection et la segmentation d’objets sont effectuées avec plus de précision et de rapidité.
Basler acquiert les parts restantes de Basler France. La société a été fondée en 2022, initialement en tant que coentreprise avec son partenaire de distribution i2S (France).
Élargissement de la gamme de produits avec des caméras compactes et économiques pour les applications dans le spectre infrarouge à ondes courtes (SWIR) : lancement des modèles ace 2 X visSWIR.
La coopération existante avec Roboception est prolongée : Basler acquiert une participation de 25,1 % dans le spécialiste de la vision 3D basé à Munich et soutient le développement ultérieur de Roboception', par exemple pour les clients dans les domaines de l’automatisation industrielle et de la logistique.
Le Dr Dietmar Ley, PDG, a été élu président de la VDMA Robotics + Automation Association. Il occupera ce poste honorifique pendant trois ans.
Basler's headquarters is growing: The company headquarters in Ahrensburg is being expanded with a new office building featuring a modern, open-space design for 350 employees
The boost V camera family enriches the CXP-12 portfolio by introducing Gpixel global shutter sensor technology with high frame rates for high-end applications
Basler is awarded the "Best Managed Companies Award" for outstanding corporate management for the fourth consecutive time
Basler's website ( underwent a complete revision, including integration of the webshop, to improve the customer experience
Expansion of market presence in Asia through acquisition of Korean distributors DATVISION and IOVIS and founding of Basler Korea
Expansion of direct sales in Europe: Foundation of Basler France and Basler Italy through joint venture with channel partner i2S (France) and acquisition of channel partner Advanced Technologies (Italy).
pylon 7 and the pylon vTools are ready to go: Modules including barcode reading, structure recognition, object positioning, and code recognition now enable image processing directly in your own application along with camera control and image acquisition
The new 5GigE product range offers five times the speed in the same small format. It includes new ace 2 camera models, matching lenses, cables, and PC cards, as well as the pylon software, which has been specially expanded for this interface.
The lighting portfolio grows by 200 additional products and includes 10 types of lighting as well as numerous lighting accessories.
Basler wins the "Best Managed Companies Award" for excellent corporate management for the third consecutive time
CXP-12 portfolio expanded with cameras, interface cards, and accessories
Basler SLP Lighting Solutions receive silver medal in Vision Systems Design 2021 Innovators Award
Strongest first half in the company's history in terms of order intake, sales and profit
Basler receives the "Axia Best Managed Companies Award" for the second time in a row
Changes in Basler's Executive Board: John P. Jennings, previously CCO, devotes himself to the further development of Basler's North American business on an executive basis at his own request Alexander Temme becomes new CCO Arndt Bake, previously CMO, becomes CDO and CIO
The Vision Campus celebrates its 5th anniversary
Basler expands its range of online tools
Basler wins "Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2020" for its outstanding corporate management and successful economic development
Award as Germany's most family-friendly employer in the electrical/electronic engineering sector
Groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion of Basler's headquarters in Ahrensburg
Silicon Software GmbH successfully integrated into the Group structures. First new frame grabbers launched under the Basler brand
Development of new camera platforms: ace 2 Basic and ace 2 Pro with Beyond Features boost with NXP-12 interface and frame grabbers
Development of a second generation of ToF cameras: Basler blaze
On its way to becoming a full-range supplier, Basler is expanding its product range to include intelligent lighting solutions
Development of the new MED ace camera line
Basler receives the certification ISO 13485:2016 for medical applications
Basler acquires Silicon Software GmbH and expands its product portfolio for computer vision applications
A joint venture with the Chinese distributor Beijing Sanbao Xingye (MVLZ) helps Basler strengthen its presence in the Chinese market
30th anniversary of Basler AG
With the acquisition of mycable GmbH, Basler continues to expand its spectrum of services in the embedded vision market
Basler adds camera modules and embedded vision applications to its product portfolio
Basler reacts to the growing trend in 3D by bringing its first 3D camera onto the market: the Basler Time-of-Flight (ToF) Camera
Basler leaps to the top and becomes the world market leader in digital industrial cameras
Basler PGI-Feature-Set wins the Silver Level Award in the Vision Systems Design Innovator Awards
Introduction of the Vision Campus as a content platform with four sections: Camera Technology, Interfaces & Standards, Markets & Applications, and Vision Systems & Components
Hardy Mehl is nominated to the Management Board which now consists of four members
Basler opens a production site in Singapore
Basler celebrates our 25-year anniversary
Basler receives Excellence Award by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for their educational program for apprentices and students
Nomination of Arndt Bake as Chief Operations Officer
Certificate for the Hertie Foundation “berufundfamilie” audit
Founding member of “Beruf und Familie (Career and Family) im HanseBelt”
Basler doubles camera production capacity
Basler achieves strategic milestone with over 80% of company wide revenue from industrial cameras
Basler AG sells Sealing Inspection business to Asentics GmbH & Co. KG
Basler AG sells Solar Wafer Inspection business to Semilab Zrt
Basler AG sells Optical Media business to Xiris Automation of Ontario, Canada
Basler celebrated our 20th anniversary. We take great pride in serving our customers for two decades
Basler enters European and US IP camera markets
Opening of a Service and Sales Office in Japan
Award as "Place in the Land of Ideas 2006"
Opening of a Service and Sales Office in Korea
Nomination of John P. Jennings as Chief Commercial Officer
Basler wins innovation prize of the DIHK (Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry) for an inspection system for use in the manufacturing of flat display screens
Record financial Year with 52.3 Mio. EUR turnover and 5.1 Mio. EUR earnings before tax
Founding of a new Representative Office in Shanghai
Founding of Basler Vision Technologies Taiwan Inc. as an independent subsidiary
Sale of activities of Photobit Corp., transfer of strategic alliance to the buyer, Micron Technology Inc.
New Chief Executive Officer Dr. Dietmar Ley succeeds Norbert Basler
Relocation to the new company headquarters in Ahrensburg
IPO of Basler shares on March 23rd at the "Neuer Markt" in Frankfurt
Entry into a strategic alliance with the California based Photobit Corporation, one of the world's leaders in CMOS image sensor technology
Construction of new company building in Ahrensburg near Hamburg, Germany
Founding of Digital Camera business unit
Founding of Basler Representative Office in Taiwan
Founding of Basler Asia Pte. Ltd. in Singapore
Founding of Basler, Inc. in Malvern, PA, USA
Founding of Basler in Lübeck, Germany by Norbert Basler and Stefan Berendsen