Corporate Responsibility

In addition to our focus on shared value creation, Basler also takes responsibility in many other areas. We are a business partner with integrity in all matters and make efforts for a sustainable and livable future.

Ethics and rules of conduct

The success of the Basler group is not only based on good business policy, but also on business ethical integrity, trust, and on open and fair dealings with employees, customers, business partners, shareholders, and other stakeholders. To ensure this, Basler has adopted a comprehensive code of conduct that applies throughout the group and on which all employees are trained. Our employees and third parties can report possible violations via our whistleblower system with various reporting channels. Reported violations and measures are publicly reported by Basler every year in the non-financial part of the group report.

Human rights and responsible sourcing

The Basler Group acts on its corporate values as well as on generally applicable ethical values and principles. With its activities, Basler is part of a global, far-reaching value chain with many upstream and downstream value creation steps. In this context, we fulfill our responsibility to pay attention to good working conditions as well as the observance of human rights at our business partners. We comply with the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and expect the same from our business partners. Our supplier qualification commits our suppliers to and audits them for compliance with these principles. We are continuously expanding our corporate policies and due diligence systems for supply chain transparency. This includes, among other things, the corporate policy on conflict minerals.

Our company policy on conflict minerals can be viewed here

Social commitment

As a technology company, we benefit in particular from the creativity, technical skills and curiosity of our current and future employees. And that's exactly how we see ourselves--as one of the largest employers in our HQ location in Ahrensburg--sharing responsibility for encouraging and supporting the curiosity and enthusiasm of the younger generation for innovation and technical professions.

For example, we offer workshops in cooperation with schools to arouse interest in various occupational fields and to draw attention to us as a local employer and trainer. This includes projects and partnerships via “Wissensfabrik e.V.”, through which projects such as “KiTec” (Children discover Technology) are sponsored by Basler AG. Basler also participates in social projects such as “Wi mook dat” at the Arche in Billstedt, and supports universities and researchers with computer vision equipment for their work.

Here you can learn more about our promotion of young talent

Si vous avez une demande relative à notre responsabilité d’entreprise ou à la durabilité, veuillez nous envoyer un e-mail.