Autonomous vehicles & mobile robots

Navigation, obstacle detection and fine positioning during docking and recording require a complete view of the surroundings in high resolution. Our blaze camera captures the entire scene with a good range and in real time. It works both in daylight and without light. Its compact, rugged and reliable design allows easy integration. The built-in, powerful processor also minimizes CPU load on the vehicle controller.

Basler blaze의 장점

  • 넓은 측정 범위

  • 높은 해상도

  • 높은 프레임 속도

  • 실시간성

  • 낮은 시스템 요구 사항

  • 충격 및 진동에 대한 내성

  • 햇빛에 민감하지 않음

Basler ToF 카메라에 대해 자세히 알아보기

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