Basler, 비전 어플리케이션을 위한 조명 포트폴리오 추가
- 날짜
- 2022. 7. 26.
Basler는 고객에게 비전 어플리케이션을 위한 탁월한 대안을 제공하기 위해 200개의 조명 제품을 Basler 조명 포트폴리오를 추가합니다. 전체 포트폴리오는 조명10종 (Ring조명, Bar 조명, Dome 조명 등)과 수많은 조명 액세서리를 포괄합니다. Basler는 적절한 비전 시스템 조명은 모든 어플리케이션에 중요하다는 점과 올바른 설정을 찾는 과정에서 경험하게 되는 본질적인 어려움에 대한 인식을 바탕으로 조명 어드바이저 툴을 개발했습니다. 이 툴을 통해 고객은 개별 요구 사항에 맞는 올바른 조명을 선택할 수 있습니다. 고객은 디자인 프로세스 초기에 최상의 조명을 선택함으로써 오버엔지니어링을 방지하고 귀중한 시간과 프로젝트 통합 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다.

Recognizing that proper vision system lighting is crucial for every application and the inherent difficulty in finding the right setup, Basler has created the Lighting Advisor tool. This tool allows customers to choose the correct lighting to suit their individual requirements. By selecting the best illumination early in the design process, customers are prevented from over-engineering – saving valuable time and integration costs on their project.
Lighting plays a critical role in a vision system: no other component can compensate for poor lighting. It is often a complex task to find the correct lighting type, the right illumination technique, and the appropriate wavelength. However, it is crucial to select suitable lighting early in the design process to achieve the best possible results for your vision system. That is why Basler emphasizes this vision component and provides a broad selection for an optimal customer solution along the entire vision chain – from lighting to image processing. Torben Deike, Product Category Manager at Basler, adds: "Following Basler's award-winning premium product line featuring SLP, we now expand our lighting portfolio with cost-effective lights to offer an optimal solution for every customer."
Advantages of Basler Lights
Basler Lights are tested for stability and usability to meet the company’s well-known quality standards while still delivering a very competitive price/performance ratio for the global market. These lights are the perfect complement for Basler cameras and Basler Lenses, designed to achieve the best possible application results. Industry-proven LED lights are used to provide the high uniformity required for repeatable image quality in machine vision systems. They also ensure low maintenance and a long operating lifetime thanks to efficient thermal management. Customers save time using the Basler Lighting Advisor to receive individual product recommendations. They are guided step-by-step to a choice of matching lighting components based on their requirements. Once selected, Basler Lights can be integrated quickly, reduce overall system complexity, and are developed for easy setup and smooth operation. With its enhanced lighting portfolio, Basler continues to provide customers with all the necessary vision components from a single source – ensuring optimal vision system performance.
Detailed information about Basler's lighting solutions is available at:
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