
您的 Basler 產品需要某些服務,例如清潔或軟體更新等等,且您已經與 Basler 人員洽詢過了嗎?請使用下面的表格。



Please enter your phone number in the following format: „+Country Code & Number“ (e.g. +49 41024630)

Please enter product name, serial number and material ID as indicated on your camera label.
In case of accessories please enter "Accessories" as product name and "1234" for the serial number.

Numeric values only; Camera serial numbers have 8 or 12 digits
Numeric values only; material ID is either 6 digits starting with 1 or 10 digits starting with 20000

Fields marked with * are required and must not be left blank!

By submitting this form I hereby give my declaration of consent under the German Data Secrecy Act. Learn more.

The safety of your data is important to us.

