Dust Protection+ – for Applications with Special Cleanliness Requirements

Medical & Life Sciences applications require vision systems of the highest purity. microscopy applications, for example, are used to analyze fine structures. dust and other particles on the camera sensor distort the images. our MED ace cameras leave the production free of contamination, but foreign bodies can enter the beam path during transport and use. the cameras with Dust Protection⁺ are designed to keep it free of contamination at all times.

About Basler MED ace with Dust Protection⁺

Dust Protection⁺ in a Nutshell

  • Sealing of the sensor room

  • Separate cleanroom production

  • Strict inspection of selected components for dust and other particles during assembly

  • High level of robustness in daily use

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Sensor room closer for protecting the beam path on the MED ace with the MED Feature Set Dust Protection⁺

Sensor Room Sealing to Protect the Optical Path

Basler MED ace camera models with the MED Feature Set Dust Protection⁺ have an optimized hardware design: The IR cut filter for the color cameras, and the cover glass for the monochrome cameras, are firmly embedded. We also minimize the sensor room with a sealing between the IR cut filter or cover glass and the sensor. This reduces the risk of dust and other particles getting into the optical path during transport or daily handling – so what starts clean, stays clean.

Separate production of all MED ace camera models in the clean room

Separate Production in the Cleanroom

In order to meet the special cleanliness requirements in Medical & Life Sciences, we pay strict attention to cleanliness when manufacturing Basler MED ace cameras: The camera is installed in a separate cleanroom and only by specially trained employees. We also regularly check and document the number of particles in the air. If the particle load is too high, the camera is not installed. We instead clean and check the filter system and measure the number of air particles again.

Continuous Inspection for Dust and Other Particles

We manufacture all of our Basler MED ace cameras in a separate cleanroom. We do not just monitor the number of particles in the air. For the models with the MED Feature Set Dust Protection⁺, we check various components during assembly – and in the final inspection the entire camera – for dust and other particles. We examine both the IR cut filter or cover glass and the sensor with specially developed test tools, and clean the components if necessary. Finally, we examine the finished camera.

Continuous inspection for dust and other particles: of individual MED ace components during assembly as well as of the entire MED ace camera during final inspection
Test cascade during production of the MED ace with Dust Protection⁺

High Level of Robustness in Daily Use

Our Basler MED ace cameras are durable and robust. They can be easily installed in various applications and are also suitable if the cameras are to be mounted alternately on different devices such as microscopes. Thanks to the sealed sensor room, dust and other particles do not settle in the optical path that is inaccessible to the customer during handling. And if it should ever be necessary, the filter can be cleaned without contaminating the sensor.

How can we support you?

We will be happy to advise you on product selection and find the right solution for your application.