
pylon 7.2 with Even more pylon vTools

18 Oct 2022

Try out the new pylon 7.2 to get even more pylon vTools with extended licensing options and Linux ARM support, and a new Static Defect Pixel Correction feature.

More pylon vTools and Operating Systems Support

With the new pylon 7.2 version, Basler makes the pylon vTools available for Linux ARM 64-bit, too.We also have extended the current license versions to Basic and Pro versions to address the wide ranged requirements of our customers in functionality, performance and budget. Furthermore, we have extended the vTools portfolio with more vTools licenses, e.g., for Template Matching.

pylon 7.2 with Even more pylon vTools

New Static Defect Pixel Correction feature

You have been struggling with defect or hot pixels, that may appear any time through dirt, aging or environmental influences? Your inspection tasks have been disturbed and your production downtimes cost you time and money? With the new Static Defect Pixel Correction feature implemented in recent Basler cameras, in the pylon Viewer and pylon APIs you can get rid of these troubles with ease. Simply follow the instructions to locate defect or hot pixels, enter their coordinates into a user list in pylon Viewer or from the pylon API and upload it into the camera firmware. By that, all pixel defects will be automatically corrected by the camera in real-time without any delays.

Learn more about the pylon Camera Software Suite or download the new pylon 7.2 .

How can we support you?

We will be happy to advise you on product selection and find the right solution for your application.